04 December 2024

Aging. Normal process or disease?

Alex and I taking a spin in the Black Demon

I never thought in my teens that I would live to be 70, yet here I am. At 65, I thought I was getting old really fast, but at 70 I seem to be better than I expected. How is that possible?  Am I just more accepting?  

In reading this article in Nature, it seems even the scientists are unclear about aging and disagree about everything involved. But what struck me the most, is that some think that aging begins when the sperm meets the egg. And if the sperm and egg meet when you are already older, they start out older. What a concept. Blew my mind. 

Then again, that makes sense when you consider that my eggs were too old to make babies when I turned 40. We made one but it wasn't viable and was lost in the second trimester. After that, nothing worked. 

03 December 2024

My favourite new posture


I've developed an interesting post-Covid anxiety syndrome. After a party or large gathering, I have a gag reflex when brushing my teeth, I can't fall asleep at first, then I fall asleep and have horrible weird and complex nightmares until cramps in my legs wake me up. Go to the bathroom. Repeat! It's been happening consistently since 2021. 

Go figure. The mind is an interesting place.