28 June 2017

Expertise and self-publishing

Several years ago, a friend who lectures about how to deal with problem teenagers was telling us about her specialty. Alex asked her if she was ever asked for more information. She said 'always' and that she gives the parents a typed handout. He advised her to self-publish her notes in a book and sell it instead. She did just that and now sells enough books to have quit her day job and do what she loves full time.

Alex has just advised other friends to publish their handout and presentation on cyber security for children as a book as well. They give 2-hour lectures and always leave a handout with the attendees. They get many questions afterwards, which could be obviated by having a book that people can take away and study. By selling the book, they would be increasing their income and their reach significantly. Moreover, the book would legitimize them as experts in the field. It has a knock on effect to increase footprint so that people can find you more easily; and when they find you they want to hire you because you are the expert.

Anyone with a specialty like that deserves to be published. Alex has written about self-publishing because he has expertise as a short run book printer, we've had an offer from a publishing house and we have self-published many books. When he was asked to do a lecture on self-publishing in a town with many writers in residence, I encouraged him to turn his notes into a book. He has since been speaking at libraries and bookstores and selling his book online and in person.

Hmmm, perhaps I'll publish my presentation on Cultural Competence as a book. The world could use a dose of that right now.

Available directly through White Seahorse or amazon affiliates worldwide. 

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