To make it more interesting, I'm going to write the character in my next novel as male, with the full intent of converting her to her rightful status as female. I am doing this to free myself of gender bias.
I have found that I, too, am guilty of gender bias even as a feminist. I found myself buying girls soft pink things for Christmas and giving boys cars and tools. So this year I reversed it. I gave the boys soft plushy toys and the girls got flashlights and the oldest got a penknife, something I would have killed to get as a kid. I'll have to talk to her to see if she appreciated it or thought I was nuts.
So my thinking is that if I write the character as a male but then change her to female, I may have succeeded in removing that bias. But can I remove it if I know that it's going to change, Only time will tell.
PS The girls loved their gifts! Yahoo. The older one is a fisherman and she wanted a knife badly. Success.